Everyone has experienced this several times throughout our lives. A stomachache is a kind of pain felt in the abdominal area or at the lower area under the chest. When a problem occurs in the internal organs in our body such as the digestive system, pancreas, gall bladder, liver, or duodenum, the pain is felt in the higher part of the abdomen. On the other hand, if the problem happened in the lower digestive system of the body, the pain is felt in the lower abdominal section. It is advised not to drink any liquid in this kind of situation. Moreover, eating and the intake of painkillers are also not recommended. However, some say that applying a cold or hot compress over the affected area is said to alleviate the pain.
In a situation where the pain is still felt after cold or hot compress or suspect a far more serious condition associated to the pain, you must immediately call for help. Keep the sufferer calm and help him or her cope with the situation until the medical help comes.
Here are some of the more serious conditions associated with stomach pains:
When a person is in a state of shock and you suspect an obstruction in the digestive system occurred, then appendicitis might be the cause of the stomach pain.
When the patient shows signs like diarrhea, high fever, and vomiting, renal colic might be the reason for the problem. When the pain is felt under the right ribs, it is probably cystitis. Moreover, when the pain spreads to the groin, gallstones are the most likely cause of the stomach disorder.
In a case of food poisoning, you can use charcoal tablets. When this are ingested, it draws the poison and absorbs them.
Another problem related with stomachaches is the fact that you feel the pain with no specific time that it will occur. The stomach also becomes super sensitive even to the lightest of movements. This brings more pain to the sufferer and causes them to experience many unwanted sensations.
We are all prone to stomach pains. If we continue eating unhealthy food and live an unhealthy lifestyle, there is a big chance that we would experience these problems. The choice is yours. Think wisely.
Nobody wants to experience or suffer a stomachache, especially after eating a sumptuous and delicious meal. Stomach pain causes you to be in a fetal position, trying to endure the pain that you feel in your tummy. However, if you know the reasons why you experience this, you will have a better chance of preventing it from happening. Listed below are some of the ways on how to avoid stomach pains:
You must always eat your food in a proper way. Refrain from eating in a fast-paced manner. If you eat too quickly, it is possible to let air enter your stomach and let more gas in. Even though we have developed digestive systems as adults, it is still possible for us to swallow air if we do not eat in a proper way. The habit of not chewing your food properly will also cause you problems.
If you do not chew your food well enough, the food that you take in are larger in sizes, which means that your stomach will work overtime just to break your food to be distributed throughout your body. The big chunks of food will then make their way to the large intestine just to be part of the waste material. That is the reason why you really need to chew your food in the right way so that you can avoid stomach aches and receive the full benefits of the food that you eat.
Next, you need to control and minimize your intake of processed foods. These types of foods are packed with chemicals, artificial ingredients, preservatives, and additives. Furthermore, the kind of raw ingredients that are used here are modified, not like those kinds that are naturally raised and bred. These will make your stomach work double time just to break all of the saturated fats, ingredients, and preservatives that you have taken in.
However, if your stomach is not able to make the needed acids and digestive juices to perform the process, you will end up having a bad case of stomach cramps. Processed foods are considered as one of the main causes of stomach pain. Aside from this, we all know that processed foods, just like the hamburgers on fast food chains, contain heaps of saturated fats, calories, and very little nutritional value.
Lastly, you must avoid consuming acidic foods and drinks. If you are experiencing acid reflux, acids building inside your tummy, and sour stomach after eating or drinking these types of foods, it is advisable to refrain from eating it. Coffees, energy drinks, and orange juices contain a lot of acids.